Delegates arrived from around the world in India for the FAO Plant Treaty #GB9 meeting in New Delhi

It was the 9th Governing Body Session from 19-24 September 2022. PAIRVI project was selected for photoshoot for the exhibition during the FAO/ITPGR GB9 Meeting. Pudi Soren from Jamui district of Bihar, and one of the participant farmer from PAIRVI project was the main subject of the shoot.

Thanks to NBPGR scientist discussing with farmers Ms Pudi Soren on conservation and revival of local/ traditional varieties of pulses, oilseed and millets for BSF-IV ITPGRF, FAO project site at GB9, Delhi.

Indian smallholder farmer beneficiary participated in GB9 of plant treaty benefit sharing fund project addresses #GB9 stresses benefit for livelihoods.

Speech of Ms Pudi Soren at the GB9 Meeting in Delhi

Johar/Greetings to all.

My name is Pudi Soren. I live in Pahadpur village, Chakai Block in the Jamui district of Bihar. I am very grateful to the Government of India for bringing the meeting of the International Treaty to India, which has made it possible for me to meet personally the people behind the Benefit-sharing Fund project that is supporting my family and the community where I live. I am also grateful to the Secretariat of the International Treaty for inviting me to participate in the opening of the Governing Body Session, which made it possible for me to visit Delhi for the first time. I am very happy that under the benefit-sharing Fund project, my video was made and photographs were taken when I made “mandua cookies/Pithhi,” so that we could share our feelings with all of you. I am 27 years old. I studied till 8th standard. We have a small piece of land but we could not cultivate it earlier as we did not have the resources. So I had to work on the brick kiln. However, for the last three years, Upendar dada/PAIRVI gave us seeds of Mandua, Lotani and Arhar and encouraged us to do farming. Now I am proud to be a farmer. I do stitch also when I get some time ….

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