Delegates arrived from around the world in India for the FAO Plant Treaty #GB9 meeting in New Delhi
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It was the 9th Governing Body Session from 19-24 September
Photoshoot of FAO/ITPGR Project
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Rome secretariat of the FAO/ITPGR selected PAIRVI project for photoshoot
Preparation of Trial Plots
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Trial plots were prepared in Bihar and Jharkhand during July
Field / Land Preparation; Trial Plots for Reintroduction – 6th and 7th May 2022
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PAIRVI contribution as labour cost for preparing the Trial Plot
Bridging the Gap: Gender Equality Workshop on 4th and 5th May 2022
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सत्र के शुरूआत आदिवासी महिला द्वारा सास्कृतिक गीत से की
Farmer Exchange visit on 30th April and 1st June 2022
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पैरवी दिल्ली द्वारा दिनांक 30.04.2022 को बिहार राज्य के चकाई
Result Sharing Workshop
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28 and 29 April 2022 पैरवी दिल्ली द्वारा  Result Sharing
When Soil Shows Success; Stories from Field
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The project “Improving Pulse Biodiversity in Rice Fallow Areas of
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